January 24, 2024
Dear Friends in Christ:
As we set out in this new year of 2024, I pray God may accompany you throughout this year with many blessings of peace and happiness as you seek to live out your faith in keeping with God’s call in your life.
I also wish, on behalf of everyone who depends on the ministries and services of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, to thank you for your tremendous generosity to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) through the years. Your commitment to our Catholic faith and assisting those in need has impacted countless lives and is an inspiration to me in my ministry.
The theme for the 2024 Annual Appeal is Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As Catholics, we use our gifts and talents to serve and demonstrate our love for our neighbors. Indeed, instead of asking who our neighbors are, Catholics ask, “…is there anyone who is not our neighbor?”
A primary way we demonstrate our love for our neighbors is through participating in the Annual Appeal. Through the AAA, the more than 90 parishes in our Archdiocese unite as one body, supporting social ministries, youth and young adults, our schools, seminarians, and the poor, to name a few examples.
This support can make an especially significant difference in the lives of some of our young neighbors:
- Our Youth and Young Adults – as one of our Young Adult ministers stated, “…support from the AAA allows us to conduct retreats, family nights, and hold other events, so we can come together, help young people stay in the church and grow in their faith.”
- Our School Students via teacher incentive grants – as one of our school principals states, “…support from the Appeal has made a tremendous impact on the lives of my students. My continuing education has helped me assess their needs and thus provide a nurturing environment where each can continue to learn and grow as a whole person.”
Imagine the consequences if support from the AAA weren’t there, in just the above instances - how many young people would not experience the joys and benefits of growing in their faith with their peers... how would our students’ growth be adversely impacted…and, as we all imagine, there are countless others who benefit from your support of the AAA.
Our mission as a Church and people of the Catholic faith continues, so I invite you to participate in this year’s Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. Your contribution is a vivid expression of your commitment to bring Christ to others, and it enhances our ability to spread and celebrate our faith. All gifts are greatly appreciated.
I thank you for your generosity, your commitment to the Church, your demonstrations of faith, and your love for your neighbor – a love that inspires me. With my gratitude and my prayerful best wishes, I am,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Sincerely yours in our Lord,
Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone
Archbishop of San Francisco